Abstract Submission


Abstract Formatting

We encourage submissions that address a wide range of topics related to delirium care, management, and research. Abstracts can be submitted for either oral presentations or posters.

Formatting Requirements:

Title: Should be concise and clearly convey the subject of the abstract.

Word Limit: Abstracts must not exceed 300 words, excluding title and author information.


  • Introduction: Background and objectives.
  • Methods: Description of research methods or interventions.
  • Results: Key findings.
  • Conclusion: Implications for practice or future research.

Oral Presentations:

Time: Each presenter will have 10 minutes to present, followed by a 5-minute Q&A.


Dimensions: Maximum poster size is A0 (841mm x 1189mm), portrait orientation.

Posters will be displayed in the designated area throughout the conference, with presenters available during specific poster sessions.

Abstract Submission

Submit Your Abstract

We welcome abstracts on topics related to all aspects of delirium, including clinical practice, education, policy, and research. Submissions are open to healthcare professionals, researchers, and students.

Submissions Open:  1st December, 2024

Submissions Close: Extended to 31st March, 2025

Submission Process:  Please submit your abstract via our online portal.

Review Process: All abstracts will be reviewed by a panel of experts, and presenters will be notified of their acceptance by End of April 2025

For any queries regarding abstract submission, please contact events@delirium.org.au.

Submit Abstract Here
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