No. Delirium is also not a normal reaction to being unwell, being admitted to hospital or having surgery. It is not a normal change in mental function from ageing. It is important for the medical team treating the person to differentiate between a diagnosis of delirium, dementia and depression.
It can be helpful to discuss:
It can be helpful to know what other family members have said about their experiences during delirium. Family members in research studies say they feel unprepared for the sudden way delirium appears. They say that being with someone during delirium is confronting, shocking, scary and distressing.
Family members of older people often describe the person as lost or absent during delirium, including how sad and distressing this is for them. They also say delirium is a contradictory experience as the body of the person remains familiar whilst the person they know is no longer contactable. As some family members have said;
... he’s not with us, his mind is not with us. Physically he is. (10)
… dad was a complete stranger. It was not dad anymore, it was a complete stranger. (10)
To family members, the way the person acts during delirium accentuates how different the person is and how lost the person they know has become. At the fore is the peculiar ways the person acts, often their loss of self-control and their presence in another world; behaviours that are unexpected, bizarre, and shocking; or in contrast, closed, quiet and distant. Hallucinations suggest the person inhabits an inaccessible other world which is perceived by the person as real. Family members say;
... It was as if she had her own video running in her head that we couldn’t see, but she was interacting with this mental image and you know, sometimes she’d be laughing and other times she’d be angry. And it’s hideous to watch. It’s really terrible. (10)
Being with the person and waiting for them to return to their prior self is a worrying time and is hard to bear.
… apart from a few, a few lucid moments he’s been troubled and confused and hallucinating the whole time. The whole time. (10)
Whilst delirium is present family members describe having difficulty understanding what has, and is, happening. They can feel unsure about what to do to help, and feel helpless to control what the person says and how they act. They are concerned about future care needs and how these might be addressed. They can fear the person has developed dementia, brain damage, “gone mad”, or is close to death. (4, 14-18)
Try not to become upset or be offended by what the person says or does whilst delirious. During delirium the person is not thinking clearly and is not themselves. They may not remember what they have said or done after delirium passes.
Talk to healthcare staff about how you are feeling and about any concerns you have, including about what you experience when with the person in delirium.
As healthcare staff for information about delirium and how to help.
Limit the amount of time you are with the person or the care you assist with if you become distressed. Healthcare staff can and will care for the person during delirium.
Be open with other family members about what is happening. Share information about delirium to help them to understand and support you.
After delirium passes, some older people are able to recall their experience. Some find remembering helpful, aiding their understanding about what happened, and providing a sense of relief. However, a range of disturbing emotions can also be felt when they remember their actions and words while delirious. Some express feelings of belittlement, guilt, shame, embarrassment, humiliation, or remorse. At times they explain their actions as being out of character, or ask for forgiveness. Encountering memories of delirium can mean confronting the reality of their experience, or viewing the episode as a dissociated event in their lives. Some older people want to forget the episode, or are hesitant to discuss their experience, seeming to play down their unusual experiences and discouraging discussion. Discussing their experiences can risk being viewed as foolish. At times denial, embarrassment or dismissal of their experience is revealed through incongruent laughter or minimisation of what occurred. These reactions suggest you may face unexpected rejection or dismissal when wanting to talk about delirium with the person. Although delirium has passed, older people who have experienced delirium may feel vulnerable and in need of continued family understanding and support.
Though family members are relieved when delirium subsides, some find their relationship has been irrevocably changed by the way the person acted. In addition, knowing more about what happened during their delirium than the person may be a burden. (5,14,19-25)
Yes, you can help. It is important to focus on and minimise the risk factors for delirium for and with the person, including:
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